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Tutoring and Academic Resources

It is extremely important for high school students to always seek tutoring and support when he/she is having academic challenges in any of their classes. It is one of the best habits to learn to be a successful high school graduate and college student. You can always check in with your teachers and counselor for more support. 

On Campus/VIRTUAL Tutoring

Off Campus Tutoring

  • Hayward Public Library - The Live Homework Help tutoring service, provided by, is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.  You need your Library Member ID. Library membership is free. 
  • HELP NOW - CA State Library - Get live help in any subject. Click on Live Tutoring and select the grade and subject. You can also get support in writing and help with creating flash cards etc. Support also offered in Spanish. 
  • Khan Academy Tutorials - Free website that supplies a free online collection of more than 3,000 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare and medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, microeconomics and computer science.
  • Parent & Student Portal - Parent and student on-line access to grades, attendance and more (Infinite Campus).

10 Tips to be a Successful High School Graduate

  1. Get a good night rest - Its important to get 6-8 hours of sleep per night. And make sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
  2. Attend school everyday and make it on time to each class - If you are absent make sure to excuse your attendance and follow up with your teacher. 
  3. Take notes in class - Take notes while teachers are lecturing and review your notes often. Good way to start reviewing for exams. It is also important to keep your notes organized by unit/dates. 
  4. Do your homework every day - Make sure you set aside a quiet place to complete homeroom with few distractions. THS Library is a good option.  
  5. Ask Questions - If you do not understand what is going on in class, ask your teacher during class, during break or after school. Ask other peers in your class can help too. 
  6. Go to tutoring - ITS FREE HELP!!! Don't wait till the last mint to get help in your classes. Your grades and credits count towards a high school diploma. Go to THS Tutoring Club for help. 
  7. Organize study groups - Like Starbucks? Library? Ask friends to hang out and do homework together and help each other out. 
  8. Focused - Honestly, how much time do you spend on snap chat or IG per day? Challenge yourself and turn off your phone for your success. 
  9. Read everyday - Students who read everyday gain more knowledge, vocabulary, memory, writing and speaking skills. So read ANYTHING you want. Does not have to relate to school. 

10. Stay positive - High School can be tough but you don't have to do it alone. Ask a teacher or your counselor if you feel overwhelmed and need support. You are not the only one to feel this way.