School-Based Committees
Local Curriculum Council (LCC)
Local Curriculum Council (LCC) is a body of teachers and staff that makes decisions about implementing and supporting curriculum at the school level.
Meetings - Agendas & Approved Minutes
Site-Based Decision-Making (SBDM) Team
Site-Based Decision-Making Team (SBDM) consists of the principal, teachers, certificated and classified support staff, parents, and students who exchange ideas, data, and other information necessary to improve education opportunities and experiences for students. SBDM makes decisions related to the budget, implementation of standards-based instruction and curriculum, professional development, grant opportunities, discipline plans, and school practices. They also make recommendations related to facilities, staffing, and day-to-day school operations.
SBDM Meetings - Agendas & Approved Minutes
School Site Council (SSC)
The School Site Council (SSC) is an elected body of parents/guardians, students, and staff, who meet monthly to advise the Principal regarding the school plan and the use of school funds. These funds are supplementary state funds earmarked to improve the total school program. SSC members currently serve for one or two years. A new election will be held in the fall to replace members not returning. Although by state law, only SSC members may vote on budgetary issues, School Site Council meetings are open to all, and we genuinely appreciate any parent/guardian participation and input. For more information, please contact the principal.
For more information, visit the School Site Council website
English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Parent ELAC meet from 9am to 10:30am in room B-3. These meetings are for parents of English Learner students current or former. Parent and staff participation are important, and everyone is welcome. See the meeting dates below.