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When a student is absent a parent needs to call the Attendance Office. Please call the appropriate attendance clerk to report your student's absence.

Ms. Navarro
Attendance Clerk
Last Names A-L  | Bilingual Spanish
Phone: (510) 723-3190 x 63113

Ms. Hausia
Attendance Clerk
Last Names M-Z
Phone: (510)723-3190 x 63111

Attendance Clearance Policy

  1. All excusable absences must be cleared by telephone call or a note from the parent/guardian within 72 hrs (3 days) of the student’s return.
  2. Medical Note: No more than 3 consecutive days of absence can be cleared for medical reasons. A doctor's note must be provided for more than 3 consecutive days.
  3. Off Grounds Passes for Appointments: If the parent/guardian is aware of the appointment in advance, PLEASE send a note with the student which indicates the date, time, and reason for leaving to the attendance office in the morning. The attendance office will no longer interrupt class by calling classrooms in the middle of class. The student will then be issued a note to show to their teacher during the appropriate period. The note will minimize interruptions to the classroom during class time.
  4. Students must have a “Pass to Leave School Grounds” from the office to leave campus. Students leaving campus without a pass cannot be cleared. Students will receive cuts for periods unexcused.