Students undergo many personal and academic "stressors" every day. Tennyson counselors and administrators are available to assist students and families with personal challenges and to make referrals to counseling resources on and off campus. Please meet with your counselor for more information.
Counseling Resources
Tiburcio Vazquez Health Clinic (TVHC):
Tiburcio Vazquez Health Clinic is our on-campus clinic that provides comprehensive primary care services (medical & dental) for students and families who qualify. TVHC School Based/School Linked Health Services provide a wide range of programs and services that include individual counseling and case management, access to sexual health education and prevention, individual, group, and peer health education, after school activities and role modeling, health outreach, crisis intervention, and peer-to-peer social support. The Tiburcio Vazquez Health Clinic is located in Room A1.
(TVHC)~La Familia Counseling:
On-site counseling services for students (including UIY) in English/Spanish offering mental health and community services to Tennyson High students, who have Medi-Cal. To be seen by a La Familia therapist, please submit a COST referral to the COST Coordinator.
Youth and Family Services Bureau (YFSB):
Off-site family counseling provided for high risk youth and their families, academic and career planning support for high school students, and the language and leadership program supporting students to develop resiliency factors and public speaking skills. YFSB provides crisis intervention and counseling services for Hayward families (parent and youth). YFSB has many programs that provide outreach for at-risk youth, diversion and intervention services working with HUSD.
Parent Project:
The Parent Project is a 10-16 week parent training for parents who have students that are challenged with issues such as: gang involvement, drugs, and truancy. The goal of this project is to reduce family conflict, juvenile crime, improve student performance, attendance, and overall family unit.
Project Eden Youth Services Program:
Project Eden Youth Services Program is a prevention program, striving to keep young people from beginning to use alcohol and other drugs. Project Eden counselors offer psycho-educational support groups. Students are referred by faculty, staff, parents, or themselves for education and counseling on issues such as the negative effects of using alcohol and other drugs, communication skills, conflict resolution, decision making, goal setting, and anger management.
Tiffany White
COST Specialist
Cost Referral Form
Cost Referral Form Healthcare
Looking for free or reduced price health care? Please visit Alameda County Health Care website to find a low cost doctor or health clinic.