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Alternative Education

Hayward Unified School District offers three main alternative education programs:

Students who are credit deficient or who are seeking an alternative placement must make an appointment to see their counselor to discuss the appropriate alternative educational setting.  The student's parent/guardian must also be present at this meeting. Please note: due to high volumes of applications, students may be place on a Wait List.  Prospective students must continue to attend their home school until a space opens up.

Comparison of Alternative Education Programs

Hayward Adult School 

Hayward Adult School offers various programs including a high school diploma program for high school students who are behind in credits and can no longer graduate from their comprehensive high school.  All Adult School courses are now offered during the day and the early evening.  High School students interested in the diploma program or GED program must first withdraw from Tennyson and attend an orientation at the Adult School.

How many credits are required to graduate from Adult School: 140 credits (New Adult School students must have at least 110 credits to enter; students with fewer than 110 core subject credits are referred to take the GED).

Title of High School Diploma: Hayward Adult School

Age Required to Enroll: 17 and 10 months

Cost: $97.50 per semester

For more information, visit the Hayward Adult School High School Diploma webpage.

Brenkwitz Continuation School

Brenkwitz Continuation School is an alternative education program for students who are behind in credits for graduation from the comprehensive high school.  Students attend class five days a week, from 8:30am - 12:40pm.  Students must be 16 years old to attend Brenkwitz.  Students enrolled at Brenkwitz earn variable credits. Courses offered are not college preparatory and will not be found on the school's a-g list.  Cyber High credit recovery is also offered at Brenkwitz.

How many credits are required to graduate from Brenkwitz? 190 credits

Title of High School Diploma: Brenkwitz High School

Age Required to Enroll: 16 years old

Independent Studies

Independent Studies is a program, not a school.  Students enrolled in Independent Studies may participate in their home high school activites and may elect to return to Tennyson at any time.  Students meet individually with a teacher 2-3 times a week in order to earn variable credits.  Independent Studies courses are not college preparatory.  

How many credits are required to graduate from Independent Studies: 220 credits

Title of High School Diploma: Tennyson High School

Age Required to Enroll: Grades 9-12