Pathway Programs
Academic Programs at Tennyson
Advanced Placement
Tennyson offers a variety of advanced courses designed to challenge students to not just perform at a college level, but gives the opportunity to earn college credit and/or qualify for advanced classes when they begin college.
(Advancement Via Individual Determination)
AVID is a rigorous college-readiness program that prepares students to build diverse skillsets while providing them guidance and support. Students participating in AVID take an AVID elective during each of their four years of high school.
Biomedical Science Pathway
The Biomedical Sciences Pathway is supported by Project Lead the Way, recognized by the UC's and CSU's as meeting the "D" Science requirement. Pathway students explore the field of Biomedical Sciences and engage in project-based curriculum.
Farm 2 Fork
The Farm 2 Fork pathway is an opportunity to learn about the science and technology of growing, distributing, preparing and selling food to develop a healthier, more sustainable community. Classes also take place at the THS Farm!
Community Multi Media Academy (CMMA) is a rigorous college-readiness and multi-media focused academy that provides students with guidance, support, and multimedia training. Students in CMMA are cohorted in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades - teams that are designed specifically to foster creativity and community.
World House
World House provides support classes and services for students who speak another language and are working towards English proficiency. English Language Learners (ELL) enrolled in ELD 1, 2, and 3 are enrolled in World House. For more information, please visit the World House website.
Puente is a rigorous college-readiness program that emphasizes college-level English skills via Latino literature and culture.
Regional Occupational Program (ROP)
The Eden Area Regional Occupational Program provides students with hands-on training in various fields. Students enrolled in ROP spend half of their day at the Regional Occupational Center, and the other half at their home school. Successfully students earn high school credits, applicable toward graduation, as well as certification in some of the fields. Please visit the Eden Area ROP website for more information:
Programs and Resources
After School Activities
All athletics including teams, schedules and more
Cyber High/Plato Credit Recovery
After-school class for Seniors (+Juniors, if space) to make up classes and credits
Chabot Concurrent Enrollment Courses
On-campus Chabot College Concurrent enrollment courses offered after school, 2 days a week, for students who would like to take a community college course. These courses are offered through YEP.
Youth Enrichment Program (YEP)
After-school program that provides academic courses (Cyber HIgh, Chabot), academic assistance (after school tutoring), and various enrichment activities (club sponsorship).