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Grades 11, 12     Advanced Placement Course

Prerequisite:  Chemistry P/H with a “B” or better; Biology P with a “B” or better; Algebra 2 with a “B” or better; grade level English course.

This is an advanced course designed to meet the needs of college-bound students.  It is designed to be a second year biology course.  The required material is equivalent to a 10-unit college introductory level Biology class.  Ninety minutes per day all year are necessary to cover all the material and the 12 labs to properly prepare students to be successful on the AP exam.  College credit may be earned by obtaining an average score on the AP exam.  College credit may be earned by successfully completing the course and a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP exam.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 11, 12     Advanced Placement Course

Prerequisite:  Chemistry P/H with a “B” or better; Biology P with a “B” or better; Algebra 2 with a “B” or better; grade level English course.

This course is designed to be the equivalent of a one-semester college introductory course in environmental science.  Environmental science is an interdisciplinary course that focuses on the interrelationships of the natural world.   This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  MEHS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  None.

This course deals with the principles of energy.  Topics include world and U.S. energy use, forms and states of energy, transfer of energy, law of thermodynamics, photosynthesis, radioactivity, magnetism, non-renewable energy sources, and renewable energy sources.  The course will cover passive and active solar, wind energy, photovoltaics, environmental studies, energy efficient home design, conservation, and large scale experiments in energy production.  Guest speakers specializing in different fields will enhance the instructional value of the course by exposing students to expertise pertinent to their fields.  Students will design and build mock-ups as well as full-scale models of energy efficient devices.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.  HHS



Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Chemistry (“B” or better); Chemistry P (“B” or better): enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

This is an advanced course.  The student should be motivated toward further success in the biological sciences.  She/he should be able to handle independent small-group laboratory work using an inquiry-based mode of study in these fields:  structure, function, and biochemistry of the eleven systems of the human body; human growth, development and genetics.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS



Grades 11, 12     Honors Course

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Chemistry P (“B” or better); Algebra 2 (“B” or better); must have taken or be enrolled in any of the following:  Advanced Math courses, Anatomy & Physiology, Honors English, 3rd/4th year Modern Language, AP courses.

This course is an advanced biology course.  The student should be motivated toward further success in the biological sciences.  The student should be able to handle independent small-group laboratory work using an inquiry-based mode of study in these fields:  structure, function, and biochemistry of the eleven systems of the human body: human growth, development, and genetics.  Grading standards will be higher than for Physics P.  Additional projects and/or research paper will be required.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grade 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Algebra 1 (“B” or better); and/or instructor’s recommendation.

Review of the scientific principles and techniques of molecular biology and biotechnology, including recombinant DNA technology and gene cloning, recombinant protein design and analysis of biomolecules.  Discussion of technical, ethical, and safety concerns presented by medical, agricultural, pharmaceutical and forensic applications of biotechnology.  Students taking this course will receive 3 credits from Ohlone College for Biotechnology and Society (BIOT-100) when completed with a grade of “C” or higher. THS



Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Eighth Grade Physical Science Investigations or high school Earth Science with a “B” or better; Algebra 1 P may be concurrent; enrolled in a grade-level English class.

This standards-based college preparatory course promotes an understanding of the nature of science and its processes that will emphasize the nature, growth and function of scientific theories.  An inquiry-based approach utilizing critical thinking skills will be employed to study the following:  cell theory, evolution, genetic continuity, relationship of structure of the human body.  Laboratory work and classroom stress skillful reading, careful observations, accurate recordkeeping, and thoughtful analysis through experimentation.  This course fulfills the HUSD Life Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Eighth grade Physical Science Investigations or high school Earth Science – Sheltered (“B” or better); Algebra 1 P – Sheltered may be concurrent; enrolled in an on-grade-level sheltered English class.

The content of this course is the same as Biology P.  The delivery of the course content to the students is tailored to meet the needs of English-as-a-Second Language Learners and utilizes visual arts and simplified English language structures.  This course fulfills the HUSD Life Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Earth Science (“B” of better); Life Science (“B” or better); Algebra 1 P concurrently if not already completed.  An interview process is also required.

This is a course that will introduce biotechnology background and basic laboratory techniques.  Students will study basic properties of living systems, laboratory measurement and calculations.  DNA manipulation, general principles of genetic engineering, ethics, technology and historical aspects of technology development will also be stressed.  This course fulfills the HUSD Life Science graduation requirement.  



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Algebra 1 (“B” or better); and/or instructor’s recommendation.

This is a course where students will study advanced Biology and Chemistry concepts and apply them to current biotechnology techniques, such as DNA manipulations that can be accessible to high school aged students. One objective of the course is to prepare students for entry-level jobs in industrial or university laboratories or for entrance into biotechnology training programs at local community colleges or universities.  This course will also better prepare students for a college major in biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or other science disciplines that involve analysis of DNA and biological systems.  Following safe practices on the laboratory and demonstrating personal responsibility are essential behaviors for Biotechnology P.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  Students taking this course will receive 4 credits from Ohlone College for Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology (BIOT-105) when completed with a grade of “C” or higher.  HHS, THS



Grade 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Chemistry P (“C” or better); Algebra 1 P (“B” or better); and/or instructor’s recommendation.

This course covers the basic concepts of inorganic and organic chemistry, and biochemistry as they apply to the human body.  Included are concepts such as properties of aqueous systems, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, proteins, nucleic acids and catabolic processes.  There is an emphasis on safety and proper technique.  Students taking this course will receive 4 credits from Ohlone College for Biochemistry for Health and Biotechnology (BIOT-109) when completed with a grade of “C” or higher. 



Grades 10, 11, 12      Honors Course

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Geometry P (“B” or better); Algebra 2 may be concurrent; enrolled n an on-grade-level English class.  This rigorous standards-based course covers the organization of chemistry, chemical formulas, equations, states of mind, carbon and its compounds, and chemical reactions.  The course will also focus on the study of the atom, stressing electron configurations and chemical changes using quantum numbers and stoichimetry for problem solving.  Advance math skills are required.  Grading standards will be higher than Chemistry P.  Additional projects and/or research papers will be required.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Algebra 1 P (“B” or better); Geometry may be concurrent; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

This standards-based course covers the organization of chemistry, chemical formulas, equations, states of matter, carbon and its compounds, and chemical reactions.  This course will focus on the study of the atom, stressing electron configurations and the chemical changes taking place as a result of differences in these configurations.  Problems using algebra in a story form are assigned throughout the course.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Algebra 1 P Sheltered (“B” or better); Geometry may be concurrent; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

The content of this course is the same as Chemistry P.  The delivery of the course content to the students is tailored to meet the needs of English-as-a-Second Language Learners and utilizes visual aids and simplified English language structures. This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science. HHS, THS



Grades 9, 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Algebra 1 in 8th or 9th grade may be concurrent.

In this course, students learn essential concepts of physics through demonstrations, laboratory work, and discussion.  Reading strategies are also central to this course.  Careful gathering and analysis of quantitative data is stressed to increase skill in the making of observations in the acquisition, graphing, and interpretation of data and of measurement in general.  The basic principles of mechanics, electricity, magnetism heat, light, sound and thermodynamics will be learned through experiments emphasizing a sound conceptual understanding.  In addition to conceptual physics, course curriculum includes exploration in the areas of planetary science, meteorology, and energy sources through research and projects.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grade 9, 10

Prerequisite:  Enrolled in an on-grade-level English class; enrolled in Math courses.

This course is a standards-based course covering many physical and geographical topics, including plate tectonics, weather, and astronomy.  Laboratory experiments and problem solving techniques will be employed to improve the students’ understanding of these topics.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.   This course meets UC/CSU “g” requirements for College Prep Elective.  BHS, HHS, MEHS, THS



Grade 9, 10

Prerequisite:  Enrolled in an on-grade-level English class; enrolled in Math course.

The content of this course is the same as Earth Science.  The delivery of the course content to the students is tailored to meet the needs of English-as-a-Second Language Learners and utilizes visual aids and simplified English language structures.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.   THS



Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite:  This course is open to the student who has passed the basic two years of required science.

This course is designed to explore a variety of topics that encompasses both the physical and biological worlds as well as social implications.  Units of study will include state landforms and biological worlds as well as social implications.  Units of study will include state landforms and formations, plate tectonics and earthquake, technology, natural history and ecology, oceanography, agriculture, the human body in health and disease, consumer concerns about food, health products, personal safety, and careers.  MEHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Earth Science and Life Science; enrolled in Math course; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

This standards-based course covers many basic physical science topics in Earth Science, Chemistry, and Physics.  Laboratory experiments will be employed to improve the students’ understanding of the topics.  This course is also open to students who need background preparation for Chemistry P.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement. BHS, HHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Earth Science and Life Science; enrolled in Math course; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

The content of this course is the same as Integrated Physical Science.  The delivery of the course content to the students is tailored to meet the needs of English-as-a-Second Language Learners and utilizes visual aids and simplified English language structures.  This course fulfills the HUSD Physical Science graduation requirement.  HHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Enrolled in Math course; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

This is a standards-based general Biology class that includes the study of cellular structures and functions, genetics, evolution, the interrelations of living things in the environment, and the human body.  Class and laboratory work includes inquiry-based skills in observation, recordkeeping, and analysis in problem solving.  This course fulfills the HUSD Life Science graduation requirement.  BHS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Enrolled in Math course; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

The content of this course is the same as Life Science.  The delivery of the course content to the students is tailored to meet the needs of English-as-a-Second Language Learners and utilizes visual aids and simplified English language structures.  This course fulfills the HUSD Life Science graduation requirement.



Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Biology P (“B” or better); Chemistry P (“B” or better); Geometry (“B” of better); Algebra 2 may be concurrent; enrolled in an on-grade-level English class.

This standards-based course is recommended for students who are interested in university majors in mathematics, science, and engineering.  The content of the course includes:  mechanics, kinetics, heat, sound, light, and electricity.  Students will be expected to solve difficult problems which require advanced high school mathematics.  This course fulfills the district’s Physical Science graduation requirement.  This course meets UC/CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science. HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Chemistry (“B” or better); Chemistry P (“B” or better); Algebra 2 (“B” or better); must have taken or be enrolled in any of the following:  Advanced Math courses, Anatomy & Psychology, Honors English, 3rd/4th year Modern Language AP courses.

This standards-based course is recommended for students who are interested in university majors in mathematics, science, and engineering.  The content of the course includes:  mechanics, kinematics, heat, sound, light, and electricity.  Students will be expected to solve difficult problems which require advanced high school mathematics.  Grading standards will be higher than for Physics P.  Additional projects and/or research paper will be required.  This course meets UC./CSU “d” requirements for Laboratory Science.  HHS, MEHS, THS



Grades 10, 11, 12

Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 P; successful completion of 9th and 10th grade science course (“C” or better); instructor’s recommendation.

This course is a project-based course that will teach science through building and designing robots to accomplish defined tasks.  Students will learn the Physical Science involved in robotics, remote sensing, and exploration of inhospitable environments, such as a planet, space, or the deep ocean.  THS



Grades 9, 10, 11

Prerequisite:  Concurrent enrollment in Algebra 1 P; successful completion of 9th or 10th grade science course (“C” or better); instructor’s recommendation.

The main objective of this course is to educate the local community children and young adults regarding important health, scientific and environmental issues.  This course will promote creativity among involved students, create positive and innovative ways of exposing the public to issues of important (such as AIDS and recycling; also the proper disposal of toxic and household hazardous wastes).  The creation of an interest among members for doing scientific research will be presented to the community and to students.