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English Language Learner (ELL)

The Hayward Unified School District’s English Language Learner (ELL) Master Plan is a result of collaboration and commitment to the meeting and exceeding the needs of our community’s ELL students and families. This plan works to ensure not just compliance for our students but works towards providing them with a world class education.

Our goal is for our students to graduate from Hayward Unified School District with the cognitive skills and experiences necessary to choose post-secondary education or to succeed in the workplace. It is our responsibility to meet this need. It is our hope that faithful implementation of this plan will give ELLs a solid educational foundation.

This plan furthers our work in staff development for our school staff. HUSD must provide the resources and professional development to aid staff who work directly with our students.

Our ELL Master Plan is based on state and federal laws, district board policies, research, pedagogy and practice. The laws and polices are to serve and safeguard student needs.

Our hope is that this plan will surpass expectations of support for teachers, administrators, parents, and especially our students. This plan will serve as the basis for our work, a work that is inclusive of all learners and needs.